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Due to COVID 19 restrictions, all of our consultations are held via electronic means, such as video conference and telephone until further notice.
When we are able to meet in person again, this is where you can find us:
Our address is 1308 Ninth Street, NW, Washington, D.C. We are conveniently located in the Historic District of Mount Vernon Square, Naylor Court and Blagden Alley, in a fully restored 100-year-old historic property, equipped with the state of the art communications.
The Washington Convention Center our largest commercial neighbor is located at the corner of Ninth and N Streets, NW.
By car:
Limited parking is available on nearby streets.
By subway:
GreenLine (Mount Vernon Square) two blocks via the Washington DC Convention Center.
By Bus:
The Metro Bus Line G8 and the DC Downtown Circulator Bus.
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